Unleash Your Voice - Throat Chakra Healing

Have you had a lifelong desire to be able to speak up? To not be afraid to say what you need to say? To vocally stand up for yourself,
for another? To ask for what you want? To be free to be yourself without being chastised?


Like most of humanity, you very likely have blockages in your throat chakra. This can stem from many different sources; past life and current life trauma, the disempowerment we all receive as children, living in a controlled system that subsists on us not knowing how powerful we are and so much more.


For much of my life, I have been able to say what I need to say. I live with a fire in my heart that seems to shoot out of my voice when it needs to. Of course, I too have had to clear and heal my throat chakra.


My power is in my voice and channeling ability. I studied
Classical singing for ten years, performed as a professional singer after that and now use my speaking and singing voice to channel divine frequencies that are powerful and healing.


Allow me to help you unleash your voice.


This is not a singing lesson but a focus on energetically
clearing your throat chakra and also extending the healing into other areas that contribute to the blockages. You will receive healing frequencies channeled from my Higher Self, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Masters, archangels and others. The divine beings that are specifically needed to help you will come through.

Know that in the session I will ask you to make movements
with your mouth, jaw and tongue. You will also be guided to make sounds. This is not about making pretty sounds; it is about releasing. When you are not being guided to do these things, you will simply be in a receptive mode; receiving the healing.


If you are a singer or a professional needing a strong voice
and you are experiencing difficulties, please consider a session. You may find it does wonders to clear issues you don’t know how to fix.

Think of how different life will be when you feel free to use your voice!


I am excited for you and the possibilities!

Held virtually on a Zoom video call.

1 hour

$297 CAD


What others are saying

"People can hear me clearly now because my voice is clear"

"I am grateful for Sonia's service. I feel like people can hear me clearly now because my voice is clear. It's not in hiding anymore. I don't have to project my own hiding on others by thinking that they don't "see" me. In fact, they see and hear me loud and clear. Shortly after the healing, within a few days, two people who had my business card came to talk to me about my work. It was a surprise because I have known these individuals for a while and they had not shown any interest in my work before. I have faith that the effects of this healing are rippling in so many countless ways. Thank you Sonia!" - Lynn